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Several journalists on the Hamas attack: "Something is wrong, it is very strange!"
Fighting continues in several Israeli villages. Israeli forces are still engaged in "fierce fighting" in at least seven locations. On Saturday, Palestinian forces attacked towns in southern...
Call for mainstream media to be designated as terrorist organizations, these are the worst
A Croatian MEP wants the mainstream media to be classified as terrorist organisations because they spread fake news and hatred. Mislav Kolakusic, a former judge, mentione...
How can Klaus Schwabs old predictions all come true?
When people heard Klaus Schwab s predictions in 2015, many thought the man was crazy. A city like Los Angeles in 2030 without private car ownership, that s impossible, isn t it?...
At the World Economic Forum, a looming water crisis is hinted at
Professor Mariana Mazzacuto, at the last meeting of the World Economic Forum, lamented that "we" had failed to vaccinate the whole world. In addition, "climate change" is an "abstract conce...
"Someone keeps trying to kill you – do not let it happen." – Catherine Austin Fitts
The available data on the CV19 bioweapons vaccine are clear: it did not help any individual. On the contrary, the CV19 vaccine causes many deaths and disabilities, and the effects will be felt for ...
Unredacted Pfizer/BioNTech EU contract
An unredacted version of the EU contract with Pfizer/BioNTech has been available since April 2021 Original Pfizer-BioNTech contract >>...
Russia names countries admitted to foreign exchange market
The government has approved a list of states whose bankers and brokers can now take part in currency trading in Russia Russia has unveiled a list of “friendly and...
It begins: Australian bank says goodbye to cash!
The time when the world s population will consist of digital slaves is getting closer. Macquarie Bank, Australia s fifth largest bank, will only allow digital banking from 2024....
Creating a digital prison: WHO urges the rapid rollout of global digital health certificates
The World Health Organization is already working on a "Global Digital Health Certification Network" – a networked, global technology system to recognize the validity of health ce...
Mandatory vaccinations play a role in almost all UN SDG goals
They know how to sell it oh so well to a still sleeping audience. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that will prepare the planet for the satanic cult and their mi...
FEMA to blast all smartphones, TVs, radios with mass alert test on October 4, 2023
On Oct. 4, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will push mass alerts across the nation on every television, smartphone, and radio. On Wednesday, October 4 at 2:20 p.m. ET, every ...
The Netherlands is the „ first country “ in which the car seat disappears: „ You will have nothing and be happy! “
The Netherlands will be one of the first countries in the world where the car seat disappears, Siemens predicts. Siemens is one of the global pioneers in the field of mob...
Thousands of scientists unite to end CLIMATE EMERGENCY hysteria
Despite being skeptical that mainstream media would pick up this breakthrough story, 1609 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, gathered together to sign a declaration, proclaiming that "...
Wifi Weaponized Exposed!!
Imagine breathing but suffocating at the same time… doesn’t sound like fun, or something people will leave through. Is 60 GHz key to the depopulation and extinction of humanity...
Incomprehensible slow Introduction: This is how the EU Commission plans the digital euro
Similar to the classic euro over twenty years ago, when it starts its digital version, nobody in the EU is asked whether you want it that way. Freedom, privacy and the rest of the finan...
An unredacted version of the EU contract with Pfizer/BioNTech has been available since April 2021
Robert Kogon drills down into the fact that the EU Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ contract with Pfizer/BioNTech was apparently online in its full form for some time, and that BBC-equ...
AI Cameras in the UK Start Surveilling INSIDE Vehicles
In a move that veers into Big Brother territory, a newly implemented AI camera system tagged as “pioneering” technology by proponents, has caught nearly 300 drivers neglecting their sea...
Whistleblower: COVID measures will return in September. What can we expect?
Whistleblowers from the TSA and the Border Patrol have informed Infowars that the Biden administration plans to reintroduce coronavirus measures later this year. This paves the way for co...
What Schwab is planning for us is so horrible that it is beyond our imagination.
Professor Emeritus Philip Vermoortel reads in the books of WEF founder Klaus Schwab what he himself writes about what he intends to do, and then tells this story. "What Schwab and his ...
The 2024 fake alien invasion
In the 1950s, there was a science fiction classic called The Day the Earth Stand Still. In this film, an alien being landed in Washington DC with his spaceship to warn Earth that if it didn t...